
Rosa Mariniello (born in Ottaviano (NA) Italy in 1970) is an photographer based in Rome. She studied Architecture at Federico II University of Naples.

She worked several years as architecture-photographer in Naples. In Rome she worked as set-photographer for many Italian film productions from 2006.

She is member of European News Agency & G.N.S.PRESS as International photo-reporter (21-01-7192 8-IPC) from 2011.

Artist for ‘Doni’Colletion for Imago Mundi Project in 2016.

She is working at the personal projects: Vitiligo, Lucania, the Flight, At km 5.6, The Resistant Farmers.

Awards 2020: World Report Award (Short Story Category)Italy; Kuala Lumpur Photo Essay Project Grant, Malaysia; Portraits Hellerau, Gremany; The Independent Photographer.

Exhibitions 2020: Dresden, Germany; Berlin, Germany; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Lodi, Italy.

Publications 2020: XL Semanal, Spain; Mind, Italy; La Repubblica, Napoli, Italy.

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