VITILIGO is a photographic project that brings together a series of environmental portraits of people with vitiligo.  The images allow us inside a private dimension, one which is often painful and, too often, rejected. One after the other, they take us on a journey of knowledge and, simultaneously, invite us to reflect on current beauty standards.

Vitiligo is a chronic condition characterized by depigmented patches of skin due to the loss of melanocytes. It is a common disease which affects 1 to 2% of the world’s population regardless of age, sex or ethnic background, and whose natural course is unpredictable.

VITILIGO inevitably raises questions about beauty, identity, and change. The emotional effects of stigmatization can be devastating – low self-esteem, anxiety, or even depression. This partly explains why one of my guiding principles for this project has been to capture an authentic image of my subjects, all of whom overcame their biggest hurdle – the gaze and judgment of others – and, with great courage and humility, showed themselves as they are, restoring to their bodies the personal dignity they had lost.

This partly explains why one of my guiding principles for this project has been to capture an authentic image of my subjects, all of whom overcame their biggest hurdle – the gaze and judgment of others – and, with great courage and humility, showed themselves as they are, restoring to their bodies the personal dignity they had lost.

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